Christopher C. Giza, MD
Accepting new patients

Christopher C. Giza, MD

  • Pediatric Neurology
Westwood Pediatrics | 200 Medical Plaza, Suite 265, Los Angeles, CA 90095


Christopher Giza毕业于达特茅斯学院,获得硕士学位.D. from West Virginia University and completed his internship at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. 吉萨随后在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校接受成人和儿科神经病学培训. He then worked on the Yosemite Search and Rescue team before joining the UCLA Brain Injury Research Center. Dr. Giza traveled to Afghanistan in 2011 as a civilian advisor to the Department of Defense. Dr. Giza co-Chaired the American Academy of Neurology’s committee that developed an evidence-based Practice Guideline for Managemen of Sports Concussions from 2009-2013. 他目前是美国疾病控制与预防中心TBI/脑震荡咨询委员会的成员, NCAA, MLS and USSF, 并一直是美国橄榄球联盟的临床顾问, NHL and MLS. He is currently Professor of Pediatric Neurology and Neurosurgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine and Mattel Children’s Hospital and director of the UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT program.















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他目前的实验室兴趣包括神经可塑性, recovery from injury, concussive injury, 与运动有关的脑损伤和大脑发育. Clinical research interests include longitudinal follow-up of both sports concussions and moderate-severe TBI, 包括头盔生物传感器的使用, 先进的神经成像和遗传标记.

  • 小儿脑外伤后神经网络的重新连接与认知恢复. NINDS/NIH R01 HD061504. 5/1/10-4/30/15. 首席研究员:RF Asarnow. 合作研究者:CC Giza
  • The National Sport Concussion Outcomes Study: Phase 1 – The Role of Equipment and Head Impact Exposure on Neurological Outcomes. 全国大学体育协会(NCAA)运动脑震荡研究. 2012-2016. 联合主持人:SP Broglio, JT Eckner, CC Giza, KM Guskiewicz, JS Kutcher, M McCrea.
  • High Frequency Oscillation as a Spatially Localizing and Temporally Predictive Biomarker in Childhood Epilepsy. NINDS/NIH R01. 2013-2018. 首席研究员:JY Wu. 调查人员:CC吉萨,JT勒纳.
  • 利用谷氨酸能药物治疗优化TBI恢复. nids / nih r01 ns027544-14. 2013年5月1日- 2018年4月30日. 首席研究员:DA Hovda. Investigator: CC Giza. It’s Not Child’s Play: Developing an Evidence-Based Approach to Youth Sports Concussions. Joseph Drown Foundation. 2013年6月15日- 2014年6月14日. 首席研究员:CC Giza.
  • d -环丝氨酸对TBI儿童认知训练的增强作用. NINDS/NIH R21. 2014-2016. 首席研究员:RF Asarnow. 合作研究者:T babigian, CC Giza.
  • 生酮饮食对急性脑损伤后神经保护的作用. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿童发现与创新研究所种子基金. 2013-2014. 首席研究员:JH Matsumoto. 调查人员:ML Prins, A madkians, CC Giza.


Link to Dr. 吉萨的PubMed出版物

  1. Babikian T, Prins ML, Barkhoudarian G, Hartonian I, Cai Y, Hovda DA等 Giza CC. 青少年TBI的分子和生理反应:以代谢和生长为重点. Dev Neurosci, 2010; 32(5-6):431-41.
  2. Cazalis F, Babikian T, Giza C, Copeland S, Hovda DA和Asarnow RF. Pivotal role of the anterior cingulate cortex in working memory after traumatic brain injury in youth. Front Neurol, 2011 Jan 21; 1:158.
  3. Hutson CB, Lazo CR, Mortazavi F, Giza CC, Hovda DA和Chesselet MF. Traumatic brain injury induces acute cellular vulnerability to enhanced dopaminergic cell loss via exposure to the pesticide paraquat. J Neurotrauma. 2011 Sep; 28(9):1783-801.
  4. Reger ML, Poulos AM, Giza CC, Hovda DA, Fanselow MS. Concussive brain injury enhances fear learning and excitatory processes in the amygdala. Biol Psychiatry, 2012 Feb 15; 71(4): 335-43.
  5. 李建军,李建军,张建军,张建军,张建军,张建军,等。 Giza CC, Hotz G, Wainwright MS. Common data elements for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Recommendations from the working group on demographics and clinical assessment. J Neurotrauma, 2012 Mar 1; 29(4): 639-53.
  6. Prins ML, Alexander D, Giza CC, Hovda DA. 重复创伤性脑损伤:脑易损性的机制. J Neurotrauma 2013 Jan 1; 30(1): 30-38.
  7. DiPietro V, Amorini AM, Tavazzi B, Hovda DA, siignoretti S, Giza CC, Vagnozzi R, Lazzarino G和Belli A. Potentially neuroprotective gene modulation in an in vitro model of mild traumatic brain injury. Molec Cell Biochem, 2013 Mar; 375(1-2):185-98.
  8. Matsumoto JH, Caplan R, McArthur DL, Forgey MJ, Yudovin S和 Giza CC. 儿童创伤性脑损伤后癫痫和非癫痫事件的发生率. Epilepsy Behav 2013 Apr; 27(1):233-7.
  9. Sanchez SM, Carpenter J, Chapman KE, lugos DJ, Gallentine W, Giza CC, Goldstein J, Hahn CD, Kessler SK, Loddenkemper T, Riviello JJ和Abend NS代表儿科危重监护脑电图组. Pediatric ICU EEG monitoring: Current resources and practice in the United States and Canada. 临床神经生理杂志,2013,30(2):156-160.
  10. Giza CC*, Kutcher JS*, Ashwal S, Barth J, Getchius T, Gioia G, Gronseth G, Guskiewicz K, Mandel S, Manley G, McKeag D, Thurman D, Zafonte R. Summary of evidence-based guideline update: Evaluation and management of concussion in sports, 美国神经病学学会指南制定小组委员会报告. Neurology 2013 Jun 11; 80(24):2250-2257.
  11. Kernic MA, Rivara FP, Zatzick DF, Bell MJ, Wainwright MS, Groner JI, Giza CC, Mink RB, Ellenbogen RG, Boyle L, Mitchell PH, Kannan N, Vavilala MS, PEGASUS(儿科指南依从性和结果)项目. 中重度创伤性脑损伤儿童到创伤中心的分诊. J Neurotrauma 2013 Jul 1; 30(13):1129-36.
  12. Abend NS, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Sanchez SM, Fernandez IS, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Dlugos DJ. Electrographic seizures in pediatric ICU patients: Cohort study of risk factors and mortality. Neurology, 2013 Jul 23; 81(4)383-391.
  13. Sanchez SM, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, lugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Sanchez Fernandez IS, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Abend NS. Electroencephalography monitoring in critically ill children: current practice and implications for future study design. Epilepsia, 2013 Aug; 54(8):1419-27.
  14. Van Cleve W, Kernic MA, Ellenbogen RG, Wang J, Zatzick DF, Bell MJ, Wainwright MS, Groner JI, Mink RB, Giza CC, Boyle LN, Mitchell PH, Rivara FP和Vavilala MS. National Variability in Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Craniotomy for Children with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurosurgery, 2013 Nov; 73(5):746-52.
  15. Arndt DH*, Lerner J*, Matsumoto J, Madikians A, Yudovin S, Valino HB, McArthur DL, Wu J, Leung M, Buxey F, Szeliga C, Van Hirtum-Das M, Sankar R, Brooks-Kayal A, Giza CC. Subclinical early post-traumatic seizures detected by continuous EEG monitoring in a consecutive pediatric cohort. Epilepsia, 2013 Oct; 54(10): 1780-8.
  16. Sanchez Fernandez IS, Sanchez SM, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, lugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Abend NS. Electrographic seizures after convulsive status epilepticus in children and young adults. 一项回顾性多中心研究. J Pediatr, 2014 Feb; 164(2):339-346.
  17. Poulos AM, Reger ML, Mehta N, Zhuravka I, Sterlace SS, Gannam C, Hovda DA, Giza CC, Fanselow MS. Amnesia for Early Life Stress Does Not Preclude the Adult Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Rats. Biol Psychiatry, 2014 Aug 15; 76(4):306-14.
  18. Conidi FX, Drogan O, Giza CC, Kutcher JS, Alessi AG和Crutchfield KE. Sports Neurology Issues in Neurologic Practice: A Survey of American Academy of Neurology Members. Neurol Clin Practice, 2014 Apr; 4(2):153-160.
  19. Vavilala MS, Kernic MA, Wang J, Kannan N, Mink RB, Wainwright MS, Groner JI, Bell MJ, Giza CC, Zatzick DF, Ellenbogen RG, Boyle LN, Mitchell PH, Rivara FP用于PEGASUS(儿科指南依从性和结果)研究. Acute Care Clinical Indicators Associated with Discharge Outcomes in Children with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Crit Care Med, 2014 Oct; 42(10):2258-66.
  20. Zemek R, Duval S, Dematteo C,… Giza CC, et al. 2014. 诊断和处理儿童脑震荡指南. 安大略省多伦多:安大略省神经创伤基金会. 免费下载: pediatric-concussion.
  21. 杨安,Arndt DH, Berg R, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, lugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, Nash KB, Payne ET, Fernandez I, Shults J, Topjian AA, Williams K, Wusthoff CJ, Abend NS. 危重儿童癫痫发作预测模型的建立与验证. Seizure 2014 Oct 5; [Epub ahead of print].
  22. Giza CC, Kutcher JS. 体育脑震荡导论. 连续体(明尼苏达)2014年12月,20(6),运动神经学,1545-1551.
  23. Kutcher JS, Giza CC. 运动脑震荡的诊断和管理. Continuum (minneapolis Minn) 2014年12月,20(6),运动神经学,1552-1569.
  24. Bondi CO, Semple BD, Noble-Haeusslein LJ, Osier ND, Carlson SW, Dixon CE, Giza CC, Kline AE. 翻译过来就是:理解创伤性脑损伤的生物学和行为. Neurosci & 生物行为学报,2014年12月10日. [Epub ahead of print]
  25. Arndt D, Goodkin H and Giza CC. 儿童创伤后早期癫痫发作. [J]中华儿科杂志,2015年1月5日. [Epub ahead of print]
  26. Choe MC, Giza CC. 急性脑震荡的诊断和治疗. 出版,神经病学研讨会,2015.
  27. Echemendia R, Giza CC, Kutcher JS. 制定重返游戏的指导方针:共识和循证方法. Broshek D和Barth J编. Brain Inj, In press, 2015; TBIN-2014-0007.R1.
  28. Smith AM, Stuart MJ, Dodick DW,…Giza CC, et al.,冰球峰会II:对头部撞击和打斗的零容忍. In press, clinj Sports Med, 2015.
  29. Carman AJ, Ferguson R, Cantu R, Comstock RD, Dacks PA, DeKosky S, Gandy S, Gilbert J, Gioia G, Gilliland C, Giza C, Greicius M, Hainline B, Hayes R, Hendrix J, Jordan B, Kovach J, Lane R, Mannix R, Murray T, Seifert T, Shineman D, Warren E, Wilde E, Willard H, Fillit HM. “Mind the Gaps”: Advancing research in short- and long-term neuropsychological outcomes of youth sports-related concussions. 修订版,Nat Rev Neurol, 2015. NRNEUROL- 14-204V1.

In the News

  • July 30, 2016. Dr. Christopher Giza, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校史蒂夫·蒂施大脑运动项目主任, 在7月30日的一篇文章中, 一个很受欢迎的纳斯卡赛车网站, 关于找回赛车手小戴尔·恩哈特的报道. 脑震荡后综合症.
  • January 25, 2015. Dr. Christopher Giza, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校史蒂夫·蒂施大脑运动项目主任, was interviewed Jan. 关于运动脑震荡对青少年和成年人的影响是如何不同的. 这次采访也在哥伦比亚广播公司位于纽约和威斯康星州格林湾的分支机构播出.
  • January 5, 2015. Dr. Christopher Giza, 《皇冠hga020电脑版》关于脑震荡后青少年认知休息的新研究的评论. Read article >
  • September 10, 2014. 好莱坞记者聚焦皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的顶级医生. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院的博士. Neil Martin,董事长兼W. Eugene Stern Professor in Neurosurgery; and Dr. Christopher Giza, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校史蒂夫·蒂施大脑运动项目主任 and a professor of pediatrics and neurosurgery at Mattel Children’s Hospital; were pictured with philanthropist Steve Tisch in a photo essay showcasing Hollywood’s top doctors in the Sept. 第10期的《好莱坞报道. 今年5月,蒂施承诺向皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校提供1000万美元用于脑震荡研究, 重点关注数百万从事体育运动的年轻人. 这篇文章发表在该杂志的“最佳医生”版上, which listed Martin, Giza and hundreds of other UCLA physicians in its compilation of the city’s top 484 medical experts. Read article >
  • February 11, 2014. Medill reports. Dr. Chris Giza was quoted commenting on 2 recent studies of concussion – one related to type of helmet, 另一个与海平面以上的高度有关——作为保护作用. Read article >
  • November 26, 2013. 鉴于有文章显示脑震荡后4个月大脑持续发生变化. Christopher Giza reviews important summary points of the recent American Academy of Neurology evidence-based guidelines for sports concussion on Read article >
  • October 30, 2013. Dr. Christopher Giza, a professor of neurosurgery and pediatric neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and Mattel Children Hospital UCLA, was interviewed Oct. CBS皇冠hga025关于年轻运动员脑震荡的报道. 该片段在43个市场播出, 包括洛杉矶的kcbs - 2频道和kcal - 9频道, and on CBS Morning News.
  • October 27, 2013. NY Times article about “Concussions and the Classroom” regards current practices for ‘return to learn’ after concussion. Dr. Giza is quoted Read article >
  • October 25, 2013. CBS news (cbsnews.网站上的一篇文章“布雷特·法夫尔的失忆凸显了已知的脑震荡症状”. 关于多次脑震荡后的慢性症状, 最近更新的AAN脑震荡指南, 当前研究的不确定性和最近体育规则的安全变化. Read article >
  • October 21, 2013. KCRW电台节目“哪条路-洛杉矶”?与沃伦·奥尔尼讨论脑震荡、脑损伤和高中橄榄球. Read article >
  • October 11, 2013. 《皇冠hga020电脑版》的文章《皇冠hga025》. Dr. Giza describes biomechanics of concussion in food terminology and comments on new helmet design. Read article >


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  • Top Doctors, Los Angeles Magazine, 2024
  • Super Doctors®南皇冠hga025,2022 - 2024年
  • Top Doctors, Los Angeles Magazine, 2021
  • Top Doctors, Los Angeles Magazine, 2018
  • Zackery Lystedt天使奖 莎拉简大脑基金会, 2014 - in recognition of national efforts to prevent and treat pediatric traumatic brain injury and concussions.
  • 受邀嘉宾,奥巴马总统的白宫健康儿童 & Safe Sports Summit, 2014 - UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT program selected and highlighted as a Summit Action Commitment.
  • Matson Memorial Lecturer, 美国神经外科医师协会, 小儿神经外科部分, 2014
  • 杰出讲师讲座系列, 儿童纪念研究中心, Northwestern University, 2012
  • Southern California Super Doctors®, 2010-2014
  • 演讲嘉宾:J. 理查德·巴林格2011年犹他大学毕业研讨会
  • 2011年,皇冠hga025脑损伤协会专业领域奖
  • 今天和明天的儿童基金(TTCF)奖,2010
  • Paul R. Dyken Scholarship Lecturer at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Southern Pediatric Neurology Society, 2009
  • Shields Fellow, UCLA; supported by the Winokur Family Foundation thru the Child Neurology Foundation, 2007-2009
  • P.S. Ramani Oration Recipient at the 14th Annual Conference for the Neurotrauma Society of India, 2005
  • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校脑损伤研究中心青年研究员奖,2002-2003年
  • 美国高山俱乐部研究基金奖,2002-2003
  • Journal of Athletic Training Clint Thompson Award 1st runner-up for Outstanding Non-Research Manuscript, "脑震荡的神经代谢级联", 2001-2002
  • 1996年荣获美赞臣儿科卓越教学奖
  • 美国中国医学进步局/华纳-兰伯特奖学金,1989-1990年
  • 阿尔法欧米茄阿尔法医学荣誉协会,1988年