
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家在肺癌研究和治疗方面是全国知名的领导者. 我们使用最新的肺癌筛查技术来提供精确的诊断,这样我们就可以使肺癌治疗更有效.



Lung cancer specialists at UCLA Health provide the highest standard of care. 当你醒来 us 用于肺癌治疗,你会发现:

Multispecialty团队: 当您选择UCLA Health时, a team of top experts in 肺癌治疗 meets to review your health. 我们利用我们在几个专业的专业知识来制定个性化的肺癌护理计划,以满足您的需求. 你将拥有世界上最有经验的肺癌专家.

精密医学: 我们的方法与大多数其他医疗中心不同,因为我们使用精准医学来提供有针对性的肺癌治疗. Through this approach, we evaluate each tumor’s specific genetic factors. 我们还会考虑您的生活方式和健康史,以制定个性化的治疗方案. Learn about precision medicine at UCLA Health.

国家认可的项目: As a designated National Cancer Institute (NCI) comprehensive cancer center, we maintain the highest standards of excellence in patient care, 研究, 肺癌治疗. We’ve consistently received high rankings from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. U.S. News & 世界报道 在肺科和肺外科方面,我们是全国排名前五的医疗中心之一.

Access to innovative 研究 and 临床试验: UCLA Health is a member of several nationwide cancer 研究 groups, 我们是指定的肺癌卓越研究专业项目(SPORE). As leaders in 肺癌 研究, our experts pioneer revolutionary treatments. 如果你符合条件, 你可以参加治疗肺癌的新疗法的临床试验.

方便的护理: 我们提供远程医疗选择和虚拟访问,使您的护理更方便. 我们的专家还在南皇冠hga025各地提供医疗保健服务, including more than 20 locations offering cancer care. 团队合作, our physicians provide you with the best 肺癌 care plan, 无论你在哪里.

专家第二意见: Oncology specialists offer a second opinion for patients already receiving 肺癌治疗 从其他医生或机构,甚至从很远的地方或州外的地方.


每个被诊断出肺癌的人,不管是哪种类型,都有自己独特的特点 挑战 when dealing with the symptoms of 肺癌. That’s why our team designs every care plan around your specific needs and health. 使用最先进的测试, 成像, 和治疗方法, we tailor your care and offer support at every step.



We focus on finding 肺癌 at its earliest stages. 我们的肺科和胸科医生使用最新的成像技术筛查肺癌,以检测有发展为肺癌风险的患者的肺结节(斑点). 这种彻底的筛查过程使我们能够尽早做出诊断,从而使治疗更有效.

Precision medicine to plan 肺癌治疗

Our experience and expertise help us identify cancer quickly and accurately. 我们提供最新的测试和程序来诊断和确定癌症的类型和疾病的阶段.

UCLA Health specialists use precision medicine to tailor your treatment plan. 我们提供分子检测(生物标志物检测),以发现肿瘤DNA的变化,并了解其基因组成.

利用生物标志物检测的结果, along with information about your overall health, 家族史和生活方式, 我们为你确定最好的治疗方法. 精准医学方法指导我们制定最有效的肺癌治疗方案.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们每周开会作为胸部肿瘤项目(TOP)肿瘤委员会-一组来自不同专业的肿瘤专家医生. We review and discuss the medical condition, 管理 肺癌的症状,以及每位患者的治疗方案. 我们的团队合作提供协调的癌症治疗,包括获得临床试验.

作为病人, you’ll meet with this multispecialty TOP cancer team, 其中包括几个领域的专家. 我们提供这些虚拟会议,以便您和您的家人或朋友可以远程参加.

在详细讨论了你的独特情况后,你将单独与每个专家交谈. 你可以询问接下来的步骤, 探索你的治疗方案, and hear from every member of your care team. The appointment concludes with a clear and unified 肺癌 care plan.


您将有肿瘤护士导航员和专业执业护士在您身边的每一步. 我们广泛的支持服务使您在肺癌治疗期间和之后感到舒适和知情.

At the Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology, our compassionate team provides holistic cancer care and support. 通过教育, 咨询, 指导, 互动节目, we ease the burden of cancer on you and your loved ones. Learn more about the Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology.


Our 研究ers help develop new and advanced 肺癌 treatments. 作为研究领域的领导者, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心率先开展了临床试验,以开发免疫疗法和改进靶向治疗. 我们孜孜不倦地提高肺癌手术技术,并在国际上建立新的护理标准.


当肺中的异常细胞不受控制地生长,形成肿瘤时,肺癌就会发生. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we specialize in treating all kinds of 肺癌, including the two main types and rare forms of the disease.

Symptoms of 肺癌 don’t usually appear until the disease has progressed. They include cough (sometimes coughing up blood), 呼吸困难, 喘息, 胸痛和体重减轻. 肺癌的两种主要类型是:


This type of 肺癌 usually grows and spreads quickly. 化疗和放疗是小细胞肺癌最常用的治疗方法.


Around 80% of 肺癌s are non-small cell. These cancers grow and spread more slowly than small cell 肺癌. The three kinds of non-small cell 肺癌 are:

  • 腺癌通常会影响外肺. 它开始于覆盖你的器官和体内腔的组织(上皮组织)
  • 鳞状细胞癌, which affects the center of the lungs and develops in air tubes.
  • 大细胞癌, a type that grows in any area of the lung and tends to spread more quickly


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,肺癌专家拥有先进的治疗和疗法经验. We tailor every plan based on the type of 肺癌 and several other factors. 您的治疗计划可能包括:


医学肿瘤学 uses drugs and other agents to find and destroy cancer cells. 我们检测每一个我们诊断出的肺癌,为这些癌细胞提供最有效的治疗. 医学肿瘤学 treatments for 肺癌 include:

  • 化疗, which uses several different drugs to kill cancer cells
  • 免疫疗法, 它使用药物激活你的免疫系统,这样它就能识别癌细胞并摧毁它们
  • 靶向治疗, which uses drugs that kill cancer cells without damaging healthy cells in the body


放射疗法使用高能x射线杀死癌细胞或阻止它们生长. We offer the most advanced methods of radiation. Your care team works with you to personalize every treatment plan and offer support.


这种快速发展的技术使用微创介入程序来治疗早期肺癌. 我们受过专门训练的介入放射科医生在胸部做一个小切口,然后使用小, hollow tubes (such as catheters and probes) for treatments including:

  • 冷冻消融术, which uses extreme cold to freeze and kill 肺癌 cells
  • 微波消融(MWA) which heats the tumor and kills cancer cells
  • 射频消融术; which heats the tumor to destroy cancer cells
  • 排液, 哪种能缓解呼吸短促


技术高超的胸外科医生通过多种手术将癌细胞从肺部移除. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肺部外科医生尽可能使用微创方法和最新的机器人或视频辅助胸外科(VATS)技术. These procedures are extremely precise and reduce recovery time.


UCLA Health conducts cancer 研究 that directly impacts patient care. 除了标准治疗,您的护理团队将为您提供参与的机会 临床试验 只要有可能. You’ll have access to groundbreaking 肺癌治疗s and therapies.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our multispecialty 肺癌 team includes medical oncologists, 位肺脏, 放射肿瘤学家和胸外科医生. 在一起, we combine decades of experience to deliver outstanding preventive care, 精确的诊断, 有效的治疗方法 肺癌 它的症状.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你会有一个专门的肺癌团队在你身边的每一步. Call 310-267-9099 与专家联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你会有一个专门的肺癌团队在你身边的每一步. Call 310-267-9099 与专家联系.